Akashic Records
What exactly are the Akashic Records, and why would I want to go there?
For over 12-years, I've been working in the Akashic Record, and it is absolutely one of my very favorite places to work. It does not matter if I am doing work for myself or for a client, the awarenesses, information, understanding of "why?" that can be found there can be transformational and powerful.
In my works with hypnosis clients, I have my Eric Webster, Lifestyle Engineer Akashic Record open, every time. Invariably a moment will come during the session that I look up and say "Thank You", because the words that I've just heard myself use, while perhaps are not words or phrases I would normally put together, even when they are absolutely in alignment with the direction I am going.
It is at that moment, I recognize that I've been given a powerful gift.
What is the Akashic Record?
The simple answer is that YOUR Akashic Record is the storehouse of the complete story of your soul. All lifetimes, past, present and future. Everything you've ever been, done, said or thought.
But I want to be clear, I do not believe that having that Record takes away any aspect of free will.
For me, it is not unlike a road trip. If you stay on the road you are on, you will get to whatever is at the end of that road. However, if you turn the wheel, even slightly, you will end up someplace else.
Similarly, I know that when I get or give a reading, what is projected for my future assumes that I'm not going to turn the wheel. If I do alter my route, make a mid-course adjustment, my ultimate destination (and outcome) can be completely different.
From the Akashic Record, we can sometimes find the root cause of our tendencies and behaviors. Also, our blocks and problems.
For me, learning to work in the Akashic Record, combined with having earlier received Reiki Master (level 3) attunement, opened doors, windows and gifts that I'd not been aware of in my life. The more I worked with it, the stronger, broader, more accurate and comfortable the connection became. The level of trust I had with the information given increased dramatically.
Then one day, I realized it was time for me to take this on the road. So now, I take part in a wide variety of Psychic And Holistic Fairs and Festivals doing Akashic Record Readings.
For me, the fun is in watching the light bulb go on in the eyes of my client, or perhaps seeing an AHA moment of understanding. Sometimes, as a complete stranger, the most powerful thing the Records provide is confirmation and affirmation of what the person already thinks they know, but maybe don't trust.
Over the years, the manner in which information is delivered to me, has changed dramatically. When i read the Prayer that allows me access, with their permission, the Record Keepers give me a glimpse of where we are going, a starting point. I then 'step out of the way' and deliver whatever images, ideas, words are given to me.
I vowed from the very beginning that it was not my job to censor, spin or modify the information, but rather, I am committed to deliver it directly, as presented, even in those moments that the information perhaps makes me blush, or makes me a bit uncomfortable. But it is absolutely NOT about me. Many times, it is in those moments that the most good is done.
I've also found that dipping into prior lifetimes has become more and more regular. In fact, sometimes a version of the client, from another lifetime, will ask permission to join the conversation to shed light on a situation that began in THEIR lifetime.
While I would not (yet) hold myself out as a Medium, there is an element of Mediumship that seems to be gradually opening to me. Important figures from the clients life sometimes also join us.
That I never know who is going to show up, or how, keeps the process interesting and fun for me, and incredibly powerful for the client.
When I am not doing an event, I regularly do Akashic Record Consultations in my Grand Rapids MI office, or via Zoom. The technological possibilities have made my market pretty much open to any English speaking person, regardless of their location.
Readings begin with the Prayer, the opening salvo I receive while reading the prayer, and then go to whatever area the client wishes to take a look at. It is very interactive, can be full of laughter and/or tears. But from the number of repeat clients I have I have to assume that they find great value in the conversation.
As with my hypnosis practice, I am always happy to have a conversation to answer questions about the process, the cost,
Because of the value I've found in working in the Akashic Record, I also started teaching Akashic Record Teleclasses on ZOOM. There are two levels, each 3-hours. At the end of Level I, the student has everything they need to access their own PERSONAL record. At the end of Level II, the student has everything they need to be able to open (with the expressed permission of the other party) the records of other people.
It is a very experiential class. Both are full of time spent in the Record doing various assignments and exercises. The Level II class is great, because students are teamed up, and do exercise readings for their partner. So as they share the information they received, they get immediate feedback, which contributes to building their confidence in the connection.
If you want to do more research about the Akashic Record, I would suggest looking at the work and writings of Edgar Cayce. He is very well known for his work. The Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment still is going full force in Virginia Beach VA.
Or, certainly feel free to reach out to me if I can be of assistance.
“Working with you in the Akashic Records has been nothing short of life changing. The way that you present information resonates so well with me. Your gentle grounded-ness and matter-of-fact approach brings into focus for me concepts and information that would otherwise seem otherworldly and mystical. You have offered me priceless words of encouragement and a firm but gentle nudge when needed. Your truthful guidance has been integral to the process of me finding my path and walking it one step at a time. I am so grateful to have your wisdom and experience to support me as I make my way in the world!"
~ Brian Relph
Asheville NC
January 22, 2023 at 11:04 am
“I had the pleasure of having a reading by Eric Webster the summer of 2022. It was the craziest thing- when I first came up to meet him and asked about his knowledge of the a Akashic Records, it was as if he was “reading my mind” (and this was before I even sat down with him to have my reading). His accuracy with some of the things he told me left my jaw agape. Yes, the reading was that good! My second reading from him was even more impressive. I had written down specific questions I wanted to ask and he answered EVERY SINGLE ONE before I asked. He also gave me insight to a medical situation that I wasn’t aware of so I could quickly have it addressed. I would highly recommend Eric to anyone that is looking for confirmation on whatever questions they have, and plan to be astounded by the information you receive.”
Sincerely, Toni Reedy Grand Rapids, Michigan
Jim Wright says :
January 21, 2023 at 8:24 pm
“I was amazed at how accurate and spot on Eric was in the reading. Many things he spoke of resonated and felt true to me. His professionalism and kindness made me feel comfortable and honored. I look forward to me next reading with him!”
Kathleen Hill says :
January 21, 2023 at 7:36 pm
“I met Eric in October 2016 at a psychic fair and had an Akashic Record reading. It was quite emotional as we both realized we actually knew each other in a past life as really good friends. The information that came through in the reading was spot on with regards to my spiritual path and how I have been accomplishing so much and will continue to do so. The next month, I began taking the Akashic Record reading classes, completing both level I and II. Since that time I have had several readings from him which confirm all that is going on in my life. I so appreciate his work and support.”
Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self towards that which is the ideal manner for the use of time, opportunity and the expression of that for which each soul enters a material manifestation. The interpretation then as drawn here is with the desire and hope that, in opening this for the entity, the experience may be one of helpfulness and hopefulness.
Edgar Cayce reading 1650-1
January 20, 2023 at 1:35 pm
“I have had two readings thus far. His level of insight is spot on exceeded, my expectations. When we discussed the meaning. I would give him a bit of the back story. We were both beyond thrilled. He tells it like he gets his information. Looking forward to my next time.”
Robin McCarthy
Peggy says :
January 20, 2023 at 10:34 am
“I met Eric In October of 2022 and have since had 3 readings with him! Each and every time we have went deeper with more clarity and understanding. I have been astonished at some of the things he has been able to help me understand and the clarity he has brought to the current path I am on. It has provided me with more confidence and the “green light” confirmation I needed to keep moving forward. Thank you!”